Email: dmliu@scnu.edu.cn
1. 研究方向:
2. 个人简介:
在科研方面,刘冬梅副教授主持了国家自然科学基金项目、广东省自然科学基金面上项目、江苏省青年基金项目以及博士后基金等多项研究课题,主要围绕非线性光学自成像、超聚焦、颗粒操控等方面开展工作。在Opt. Lett., Appl. Phys. Lett., Opt. Express, ACS Photonics, JOSA B等刊物上发表论文20余篇。
3. 主要项目与成果:
(1) 近5年代表性论文
1) Wencong Wang, Dongmei Liu*, Min Gu, Peng Han, and Min Xiao. Generation of sub-diffracted Bessel beam via diffraction interference in a combined amplitude structure. Optics Express, 29 (2), 597-603 (2021). (本科生为第一作者)
2) Dongmei Liu, Yong Zhang, Xiaopeng Hu, Peng Han, Min Gu, and Min Xiao. Flexible tuning of nonlinear non-diffracting array beams using wavelengths and angles. Optics Letters, 45 (21), 6106-6109 (2020).
3) Miao Chen, Li Peng, Jian Qiu, Kaiqing Luo, Dongmei Liu, and Peng Han. Monitoring of an ethanol-water exchange process to produce bulk nanobubbles based on dynamic light scattering. ACS Langmuir, 0c01170 (2020).
4) Yunzhi Zhu, Huijun Wang, Yihong Zhang, Dongmei Liu*, Weihao Zhong, Zhida Gao, Guoxin Cui, Yanqing Lu, Yong Zhang and Min Xiao. Generation of an ultra-long sub-diffracted second-harmonic optical needle from a periodically poled LiNbO3 crystal. Applied Physics Letters, 116, 081106 (2020).
5) Guiqiong Huang, Jian Qiu, Peng Han, Li Peng, Kaiqing Luo, and Dongmei Liu. Symmetric electrophoretic light scattering for determination of the zeta potential of colloidal systems. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 124339 (2020).
6) Xiaoli Chen, Dongmei Liu*, Daijing Cai, Jian Qiu, Li Peng, Kaiqing Luo, and Peng Han†. Coaxial differential dynamic microscopy for measurement of Brownian motion in weak optical field. Optics Express, 26 (24), 32083-32090 (2018).
7) Dongmei Liu, Dunzhao Wei, Min Gu, Yong Zhang, Xiaopeng Hu, Min Xiao and Peng Han. Evolution of Nonlinear Raman-Nath Diffraction from near field to far field. Optics Letters, 43 (13), 3168-3171 (2018).
8) Dongmei Liu, Dunzhao Wei, Yong Zhang, Zhenhua Chen, Rui Ni,Bo Yang, Xiaopeng Hu, Y. Q. Qin, S. N. Zhu, and Min Xiao. Tunable diffraction-free array in nonlinear photonic crystal. Scientific Reports, 7, 40856 (2017).
9) Dunzhao Wei, Yongmei Wang, Dongmei Liu, Yunzhi Zhu, Weihao Zhong, Xinyuan Fang, Yong Zhang, and Min Xiao. Simple and Nondestructive On-Chip Detection of Optical Orbital Angular Momentum through a Single Plasmonic Nanohole. ACS Photonics, 4, 996-1002 (2017).
10) Dunzhao Wei, Yang Wu, Yongmei Wang, Dongmei Liu, Yunzhi Zhu, Dan Wei, Yong Zhang, and Min Xiao. Survival of the orbital angular momentum of light in an extraordinary optical transmission process. Optics Express, 24, 12007-12012 (2016).
(2) 主持项目
Ø 国家自然科学基金项目
Ø 广东省自然科学基金面上项目
Ø 江苏省青年科学基金项目
Ø 第63批中国博士后科学基金面上二等资助项目
Ø 中央高校基本科研项目
Ø 基础研究/南京大学固体微结构物理国家重点实验室开放课题
4. 招生: